10 Yealey Drive Florence, KY 41042

Friday, September 17, 2021

 Yealey Families - 

We have had another great week at school.  I have really enjoyed my time in classrooms this week.  I had two students explain to me place value and the value of a zero when using decimals.  According to this student, "When using a decimal you can add as many zeros as your heart desires at the end."  Good advice I think. 😊

One thing we have noticed is that students are taking a longer time getting adjusted to coming to school and getting used to a school routine than previous school years.  If your child is struggling with this, spend some time talking through the school day this weekend with statements like, if this were Monday you would be walking into class now, or it would be your lunch time. Also, remind them at 3:30 that it would be time to come home.  I know sometimes 3:30 can feel a lot earlier on the weekends.  It can also be beneficial to focus on the positives that have happened throughout each day.  If your child is upset about something minor (walking in to class, having to take turns or share, etc.) validate those feelings but follow up with a switch to something positive.  For example, "I know it's hard to take turns.  I don't always like to do that either.  But, tell me about your art project, how is that going?"  I know it's been hard for kids and parents to get back into this routine after the disruption to our normal but I'm confident we will all get there!  The good news is even the ones who seem the most upset in the morning are happy and laughing before we even get through the first hour of each day. 

The PTA is in full planning mode for our Fall Festival next Friday and they could use your help.  Please use this link to sign up and help make sure we have a successful evening!

Fall Festival Sign Up

I hope you all have a great weekend and get out and enjoy some Fall activities.  We will be football and farm tours all weekend long!

See you next week!

Mrs. Turner

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