10 Yealey Drive Florence, KY 41042

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hi Yealey Families,

I hope everyone has had a great week!  It's been a great full week back to school.  We started our Reading and Math STAR testing this week.  We should finish up everyone next week.  This test gives us a beginning of the year benchmark for reading and math.  We use these scores to look at what the students remember from last year and where we need to go for this year.  We will take the test again to see how much we've grown and continue to let it help guide us.

I have really enjoyed the time I've spent in the classrooms this week.  I've been super impressed with the first graders increasing their reading stamina and reviewing the foundational reading skills. Our  kids definitely came back ready to learn!

As a reminder, please follow the parent pick up procedures that are listed on the back of your car tag and outlined in the agenda.  If you want to pick your child up after normal dismissal, then you will need to get in the car rider line or walk to school.  If you walk to school, just wait outside the gym doors and your child will be dismissed to you there. If you drive through the line, just wait in your car and we will bring your child to you.  We have tried to get our normal dismissal procedures in place this week - which means buses and cars roll out of the lot at 3:45.  But, we have had a lot of issues getting parent pick up students to the gym.  If you're picking your child up, please be sure you've called by 3:00 pm or sent a note in with your child.  We try to double check everyone before we let buses go, but if we don't know you're planning on being in line to pick up, we don't know to double check that your child is in the gym.

Also, please have patience with our buses.  We have two new drivers starting Monday so there could be delays as they learn their routes.  Hopefully once they start and get in the swing of things, we will have minimal issues.  Thank you!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Friday night football starts tonight - so basically I'll blink and it'll be Christmas!

Mrs. Turner

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