10 Yealey Drive Florence, KY 41042

Friday, September 28, 2018

Hi Yealey Families!

We have had an awesome week here at Yealey.  I've seen 4th graders exploring the concept of energy.  There have been experiments happening in the hallway and then students excitedly telling me what they've learned about on their way to the buses!  I've also had the privilege of working with some students on early math concepts.  Seeing them grapple with the problems and then to see that light-bulb go on has been the highlight of my week!

This week the K-Prep scores were released and made public from last year's state testing.  The state has implemented a new system for analyzing our data this year.  This means that the scores we received do not directly correlate to scores we've received in the past.  But, we have been able to get some good feedback from these scores.  This year there are three categories that schools can be titled: CSI, TSI, and Other.  Basically, CSI and TSI schools received scores that show a certain area or areas that should be focused on.  "Other" schools received scores that show there is no certain area that the state is requiring a focus area for.  The "Other" schools can look at their data and decide what they think they should continue to work on.  So, basically, our goal was to be categorized as "Other" because that means we met the cut scores required by the state.  And, Yealey did meet those scores!  We are categorized as an "Other" school.  I know this sounds a little crazy but I think you should be proud of your students and their hard work for making us an "Other" school.  Of course, we are analyzing the scores, looking for our weakest areas, and making a plan for those.  We will always continue to grow and strive to get better for your kids!

I hope you have a great weekend!  Fall is in the air - enjoy it!

Mrs. Turner

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